Sunday, December 20, 2015


The startup company Hyperloop Technologies — which takes its name from Elon Musk’s proposed invention but has no direct connection to him — announced today that it will build a test track for the ultra-fast transportation service in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Located within an industrial site, the "Propulsion Open Air Test facility” is about 50 acres, and testing is expected to begin in early 2016.
The company plans to test its custom designed electric motor to speeds of up to 540 km/hour (about 335 mph) on a 1 km (about 0.62 miles) long track.
Hyperloop Technologies is currently still selecting a location for a Safety, Development, and Test site. Once it's up and running (in "late 2016/early 2017"), the team will put a full speed, full-scale prototype to the test. The plan is to have a working Hyperloop system ready by 2020.
Elon Musk released his plans for the Hyperloop concept in 2013. Since then, companies have been racing to make the 540 km/hour mass transportation system a reality. For the July 2015 issue of Popular Science, writer James Vlahos detailed how Hyperloop Technologies and rival company Hyperloop Transportation Technologies plan to bring the dream to fruition. You can read more here.
A Hyperloop Future?

Explore a hypothetical North American Hyperloop network, where total travel time between cities by Hyperloop is represented by color. Click on a city to re-center the map at a different origin. Mouse over a destination city to compare calculated Hyperloop travel time with drive time and to see the additional travel time needed to reach nearby cities. ​
Interactive graphic by Michael Kellman.​

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